Thursday 28 June 2012

SOSCN 21st Anniversary Conference 22 June 2012

SOSCN 21st Anniversary Conference
22 June 2012
the Hidden Gardens, Glasgow

What an intrepid bunch of people are involved in out of school care in Scotland- did torrential rain stop this semi outdoor event? Not a bit of it. Did evacuation from the Marquee during a lightning storm stop play? Well luckily, not much…

People enjoyed themselves anyway and had fun. Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People, presented the prizes for Raising the Standard, SOSCN's flag competition. Irene Audain SOSCN CEO recounted (as she likes to do) the highlights of SOSCN’s work over that 21 years. Delegates then took part in gardening, cookery, dance, active clubs, and origami workshops throughout the day.

Anne Dick, Chair of SOSCN, ably chaired the event while the two international guests (judges of the flag competition) Ria Meijvogel, from the European Network for School Age Childcare, and Dr Jenny Cartmel from Australia, made closing remarks on the impact that SOSCN has had internationally over the years and to this day.

Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People, presents the commended award to children from Newtongrange After School Club for their wonderfully designed flag celebrating 21 years of out of school care and SOSCN.

Here is a selection of the winning flags, although every flag entry was wonderful in its own right!

Jordanhill Out of School Service, 1 of the 3 winners.

Childcare Connections Kaimes, another winner.

Schools Out Kids Club Montrose, the final winner.

Broomhill and Newtongrange out of school cares were awarded commended prizes (see above photo with Minister and children from Newtongrange).

Thanks to everyone who sent in flags, it was very hard work for the judges to decide!

Below are some pictures of the Marquee and workshops (not at the worse of the weather!)

The calm before the storm:

Above Cooking under the Canopy and below Origami in the cosy pau.
Gardening in the Greenhouse
Thanks also to Ydance for dance classes in the Boilerhouse and Flames for Active Clubs in the Marquee!